
Holiday party this Thursday

Come join us for a pot-luck and white elephant gift exchange. ($20 max) 

Bring your favorite dish to share. We will be meeting at the Redmond Community Center room 202 from 5-8pm 

RSVP to so we can get a count of number of plate-wear to bring.

Thanks - Chris  

Real-Flight multiplayer now up!

Too cold to fly at the field? Not for 3D Ken! - but others may want to get some good flying practice over the winter. Now is your chance to log into Real-Flight and connect to the Marymoor field online Multi-player. You need to download the field from the RealFlight Swap pages -

Once you have imported the field into Real-Flight, go to Multi-Player and select Join. You should see MarymoorRC listed as an option. The field will be hosted 24/7 so feel free to drop in any time!